
Coffee grinder on display at the Historical Museum

The Moyer House and Historical Museum offer rich history in agriculture, genealogy, industries and more.

Advisory Groups for the Museum & Moyer House
Linn County Historical Museum Advisory Commission

The Linn County Historical Museum Advisory Commission is a citizen advisory commission consisting 10 Linn County citizens representing various geographic areas of the County and volunteer museum support organizations. Museum Commissioners serve three-year terms.

The purpose of The Linn County Historical Museum Advisory Commission is to advise the Linn County Parks and Recreation Director on matters relating to the operation, maintenance, promotion and development of the Linn County Historical Museum and Moyer House. The Linn County Board of County Commissioners establishes all major policies governing the Historical Museum and Moyer House.

To become a member of the Advisory Commission  
arrow Application for Linn County Historical Museum Advisory Commission Members


Meeting Schedule

The Linn County Historical Museum Advisory Commission generally meets on the second Monday of each month at 4pm. The Commission meetings are held at The Linn County Historical Museum in Brownsville, Oregon.

Notices of meeting dates, times and locations are published in local newspapers, and are available by contacting
arrow Linn County Parks & Recreation Department . . . (541) 967-3917 | e-mail
arrow Linn County Historical Museum . . . (541) 466-3390 | e-mail.


Linn County Historical Museum Trust Inc.

The Linn County Historical Museum Trust will be creating a “Heritage Courtyard” in the area outside the front entrance to the museum. The Linn County Parks and Recreation Department will be constructing a wall and two benches to create an attractive ‘outdoor room’ and to provide a gathering place where visitors can sit and rest. The purpose of the Trust is to raise money from which the earned interest is used to benefit the museum and the Moyer House.  Toward that purpose, we will be sellingheritag4e bricks that will be placed on the wall. This courtyard will celebrate families and individuals who came to the Willamette Valley by 1950 and showcase the rich heritage and history in which we pride ourselves.

You may order a brick, or bricks, that will be etched with the names of family friends or loved ones. The grid on the order form below shows three lines with a maximum of thirteen characters per line to designate names with or without the dates of arrival. Each brick will cost $100.00 and is tax deductible.

Thank you for your support.
arrow Heritage Courtyard Brick Order Form