
Linn County
Historical Museum

Volunteer or become a member to show your support for the Moyer House and Historical Museum.

Support the Museum & Moyer House


Growing Services: More Plans For The Future

Improve access to historic resources for genealogical research
Provide more educational and outreach services to the community
Create new and changing exhibits
Partner with other community groups
Continue efforts to improve collections care
 Heritage Courtyard Brick order form


Get Involved

If you would like to be more involved or become a supporter of the LCHM and Moyer House there are several wonderful opportunities: One is by becoming a member and working with the Friends of the Linn County Historical Museum and the other is by donating through the Linn County Historical Museum Trust.  More information on both organizations is available below.

Friends of the Linn County Historical Museum

The Friends volunteer time and funds to keep the Museum and Moyer House open, provide brochures and mailings for special events, operate the museum book store, maintain a pioneer resource library, and furnish many supplies for exhibits, operation and upkeep.

Become a member of LCHM Friends give input in the museum. Membership funds help with the daily operations of the Moyer House and museum. Members vote for the Friends Board, receive a newsletter, discounts on some events, invitations to special events, and a 10% discount.

The following categories of membership are available:

Pioneer Descendent $10.00
Individual $15.00
Family $25.00
Patron $40
Benefactor $100

Higher donations are gladly accepted. To become a member please send your fee to Linn County Museum Friends, Inc. PO Box 607, Brownsville, OR 97327 (donation is tax deductible).



Come volunteer at the museum and Moyer House. We have all kinds of work including greeting people, leading tours, working with collections and records, working with exhibits, and more! Call the museum or e-mail if you are interested.


Linn County Historical Museum Trust

The Museum Trust was formed in 1984 as a county wide organization of supporters whose goal is to raise funds for the ongoing support of the museum and the Moyer House. The Trust adds donations to a capital fund, the interest is used for the museum. Thus, the trust ensures the continuation of the museum's efforts. Trust funds helped fund the courtyard at the entrance of the museum and to paint the exterior of the Moyer House. Our on-going projects include the Pioneer Plaque, Hertiage Courtyard and the Oral History programs.

The Linn County Historical Museum believes in long-term support of the museum. Contributions to the Trust are invested. The Trust now holds nearly $200,000 for the goal of providing a permanent full-time museum position in order to meet this goal we must increase our investment.

A professional curator will help create a plan to reach them. A full-time position will provide a constant presence needed to work with the community and meet their needs. A trained curator has experience in fund raising and the position carries with it professionalism which funders appreciate. In short, a curator will enhance Linn County Historical Museum’s goals of increasing useful services while maintaining the museum’s warm character.


Donation Programs, Pioneer Plaque and Heritage Courtyard

Help build a fund to ensure the ongoing operations of LCHM and the Moyer House.

A gift total of $600 entitles a donor or group of donors to a pioneer plaque – a most fitting way to pay tribute to an early ancestor. Over the years, 24 plaques honoring pioneer families have been given by the Trust. The Trust has completed more than 130 personal Linn County Oral History Interviews. Those contributing at the “Sponsor” level or higher will have their names engraved on a plaque in the museum.

A gift of $1000 by an individual or business will be noted on a wall in the Museum.

The Linn County Historical Museum Trust is creating a “Heritage Courtyard” in the area outside the front entrance to the museum. The Linn County Parks and Recreation Department has constructed a wall and two benches to create an attractive outdoor area and to provide a gathering place where visitors can sit and rest. Toward this purpose, we will be selling heritage bricks what will be placed on the wall.

This courtyard will celebrate families and individuals who came to the Willamette Valley by 1950 and will showcase the rich heritage and history in which we pride ourselves.

You may order a brick, or bricks, that will be etched with the names of family, friends or loved ones. The grid on the order form below shows three lines with a maximum of 13 characters per line to designate names with or without the dates of arrival. Each brick will cost $100 and is tax deductible. Thank you for your support.
 Heritage Courtyard Brick order form

To contribute to the Trust Fund send your contribution to PO Box, 226 Tangent, OR 97389. The trust would be happy to help with bequests. Please call the museum at (541)466-3390 for information.

I would like to help move the Museum along the Trail! Here is what I can contribute. I will provide the following supplies…

$10 Spokes
$25 Wheels
$50 Axles
$75 Yoke
$100 Wagon
$500 Oxen
$750 Wagonmaster
$1000 Sponsor