
Moyer House

Enjoy Tea at the Moyer House or a carriage ride through historic Brownsville as you show your support for the Historical Museum and Moyer House. Special events are limited to fund raising events.

Special Events at the Museum & Moyer House
Moyer House Benefit Tea

Every December

Historic Brownsville website link

A fund raiser for the Moyer House Restoration Fund. Tickets are available by pre-sale only. Contact the Linn County Historical Museum for additional information and tickets.



costumesCarriage Me Back to
the 1930's

Every May

Historic Brownsville Calendar of events 

The town of Brownsville, Oregon turns back the calendar for this Museum fund raising event. Citizens dress in period clothes, offer horse drawn carriage rides, and provide old time entertainment. The event includes live reenactments. Carriage rides available by advance reservation. Contact the Linn County Historical Museum for additional information and tickets.